Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - A Year in Review

It's New Year's Eve.  Everywhere you look someone is doing a 'Best Of' feature for 2010.  Well, who am I to buck tradition.  Okay, actually, I buck tradition all the time.  But, frankly, I just don't have any new material at the moment, and I can't just leave you hanging until 2011 now, can I?

Let's start with the raw data.


For 2010 I had 103 swim workouts for a total of 128.75 miles in 80 hours, 39 minutes and 50 seconds.  That's 1.25 miles per workout at an average pace of 1.63 MPH.  Yeah, I know, that seem's pretty slow, but that 1.63 MPH also includes all those putzy form drills and kick-board workouts from last spring (just sayin').

My biggest month for swimming was June, where I spent a total of 13.81 hours in the water and knocked out just under 38,000 yards, or 21.6 miles.  Sweet.


I spent 218 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds in the saddle this year and rolled through 3,673 miles.  Of course, that doesn't include the trainer workout I have planned for this evening.  I hit the road 133 times and averaged 27.6 miles per ride.  That's not too bad - it's approximately the same as a Wednesday night ride with the Twin Cities Spoke, or a round-trip commute to work.

I had WAY more cycling miles in August than any other month.  I spent 36 hours and 45 minutes riding a total of 625.76 miles.  Of course, a couple of century rides, including Tour de Tonka sure helped pad my totals. 


Considering how much I love to swim, I was surprised to find out that I actually had more running hours logged in 2010.  It took me 96 hours and 23 minutes to cover 562.33 miles.  Again, that doesn't count my planned dreadmill workout over lunch, so feel free to add another 3-4 miles, if you don't mind.

August was also my biggest month for running.  This isn't too surprising considering that it was the heaviest month leading up to the Ironman.  I covered 82.9 miles in 14 hours and 13 minutes.  The longest run that month was 17.5 miles, or 2 laps around Medicine Lake.  Sure, it wasn't the slog-fest of the Ironman, but at least I ran the whole thing.

Grand Totals - After you add in some weight training and a few Pilates sessions, you hit a grand total of 411 hours, 48 minutes and 59 seconds.  Dang.  Why do I suddenly feel sleepy?

Wait just a moment!  412 hours is actually 19 few hours of training compared to 2009 where I slaved away for 433 hours.  What the heck?  Well in 2009 I just plugged away week after week without really having a plan in place.  I finished a 1/2 Ironman in September of that year and within a couple of weeks was back into the same routine. 

This year, there a distinct goal.  All weeks and months ramped up to September 12.  However, there was also plenty of time dedicated to rest.  The result?  Well, I feel stronger and faster than I did last year and my race times are still going down down down.  Which, I guess is what this whole thing is about anyway.  So, in the end, I suppose it's more about the quality of the workouts than the quantity of the workouts.  Nice.


Well, if you've ever been to my blog before, you know that the big race this year was Ironman Wisconsin.  Naturally, I did all sorts of posts related to this event.

Let's see.  You can start with the weekend leading up to the race.

Then, there's the morning of the race, up until the starter's cannon.

Of course, after that, you'll want to check out the swim (You'll like it.  I get kicked in the 'manberries' twice), the bike, and the run.

But, the Ironman wasn't the only race I did last year.  I had a blast at the Liberty Half Ironman last June and rocked a wicked-fast swim split at the Chaska Triathlon in July.  I even gave it a go with some running-only races this fall, including the Monster Dash 10-miler and the Drumstick Dash 10K.

Oh, and if you get bored with all the race reports, you'll probably want to check out some of the fun I had in the kitchen, including my failed attempts to murder my friends with pork products: Attempt #1  Attempt #2.

That's all I've got, well, for this year anyway.  I'll be back shortly with that post I've been promising about indoor cycle trainng.  I just want to get some decent photos, but trust, me it's coming.  I'm also narrowing down my race choices for next year.  So, you've got that to look forward to.

In any event, Happy New Year!  Stay safe tonight and hit the ground running in 2011.

Later Gators.

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